Sunday, April 29, 2012

Photographic Fun

Sandbox Sunset
Swinging Sweetie
Pleasant Ridge Store

Old Time Country Store
Fields of Green, Valley of Grey
Wild Turkeys
Tom Turkey
Green Built Home

Dyreson Shed

Vampire Flowers

Aloha Lilacs

Reddy Kilowatt

Kindle Cuddle with Grandpa Gary

Wisconsin River Wildflower
We both look forward to the day the kids can play together by themselves.

After lunch the kids decided to play backyard baseball on their own. Including modified base baths.

Fortunately for Audra, Grady has trouble hitting limited arc slowpitch.
Audra likes to help Mom grade papers. For some reason she always picks the same boy's paper to draw on. Not even two and she already has crushes on older boys. Yikes!
The kids are staying with relatives all week, due to their daycare being closed. Hillary is looking forward to some quiet time to get caught up on grading. I am looking forward to playing with Grady's Star Wars figures!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Come See What's Brewing 2012 Edition

Sunday we took our first family trip to Miller Park in 2012.
Aunt Ashley was our special guest. She brought Ring Pops...
Audra and her brother liked the Ring Pops. Dad and Mom not so much.
Before the game the Brewers honored Ryan Braun for his 2011 NL MVP award.
Presenting the award was 2 time Brewer MVP Robin Yount.
Braun also received the Silver Slugger award from owner Mark Attanasio.
Play Ball!

Where are the fireworks?
Here we go Brewers, here we go!
The game was a bit dull so Audra gave Grady a grundy to pass the time.
Sausage Race would be won by the Polish.
It is time for everyone's most annoying game the Crazy Cap Shuffle.
Look who's on the scoreboard!
What number will it be?
Hamming it up for the camera.
The crowd says 3, so I go with 3.
I should of said 2.
Audra meets the Diamond Dancers.
Look what Daddy caught in the 4th inning! Over 100 Brewer Games in Milwaukee and I finally got one.
On our way home Grady took a spin on the playground outside the park.
Batter Up!
The highlight for me wasn't the game or the foul ball. It was when Grady asked me to go outside with him and play baseball. Then it was striking him out with curve and making him cry. Just Kidding. He laced a couple balls pretty good.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How Are The Kids?

Audra likes to bring her doll places. The other evening she took it on a walk. She made sure to check on it along the way.
Audra's newest favorite activity is "Driving". Here she takes a spin through the mall parking lot while waiting for Mom.
Audra also loves her dog Brooks. While cleaning in the kitchen I found Audra hugging Brooks so he would stay out of the kitchen.
Audra is waiting patiently to go to the Brewer Game. When she isn't playing with her dolls, driving or hugging Brooks she can usually be found practicing her alphabet on Mom's Kindle
On the way to Milwaukee, Audra reads about her favorite Disney characters.

One of the first things Grady wanted to do when we got home from the Brewer game was play ball in the backyard!
If the house is quiet as a parent you get a little nervous. For one thing the kids don't normally take naps on their own. When I hadn't heard from Grady in a little while I went looking for him and found him in his room. I figured he wasn't sleeping but checked to be sure. Sure enough he was playing a game on a Kindle.

Grady is only 3 but it is nice to see him practice his reading. Before bed last night he was reading this book out loud to himself. We have read it to him so many times he has it memorized.

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Cousin Luke Weekend

Cousin Luke stayed with us for the weekend. The kids kept busy for most of it. Here they enjoy the old favorite play-doh.
 Hello Cousin!
 Hey Batter, Batter...
  ...Batter, Batter.
Bullpen Car
Bowling Night
 Ready for the PBA Tour
 It's gotta be the shoes.
 Luke always ready to give Audra some guidance.
Who doesn't break into dance while bowling?
Concentrate and let it...
...rock and ...
Thanks for Playing Cousin Luke!